Thursday, June 26, 2008

Training to use EHR technology

I'm reading the July 2008 issue of "Health Data Mangement" and there's an article entitled "Training the Next Generation," written by Beckie Schuerenberg, where the merits of teaching medical students how to use EHR programs are described and a programs at schools such as Vanderbilt University's School of medicine are outlined. In my last post, I suggested this might be a good way to encourage EHR adoption, and I'm glad to see that it is happening, though, as Schuerenberg describes, it is by no means wide scale across medical schools.

I think a next step would be to show them how to be empowered through specific types of customization, to get physicians and physicians-in-training to think about how and what types of patient data would they require in their respective fields, or how it would change according to where they are rotating.

In addition, how do we promote EHR through other types of training? Not only future physicians, but others, such as medical office staff, or other health care professionals such as PAs should be exposed early in their education as well.

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